Oozing smelted cheese and an olive oil tomato sauce on a pillowy teff millet pastry base; Margherita Pizza. Bite into something soft and…
Creamy citrus Vegan Hollandaise Sauce with an earthy tahini base and bitter mustard, turmeric, black salt and cayenne pepper. Get dribbling for some…
Blanched Spinach and crushed walnuts wrapped with blue fenugreek, sweet paprika, lemon and vinegar; Georgian Spinach Walnut Balls (Pkhali). Tempt your fancy. And,…
Crispy kale, tart pomegranates and mung beans dressed in olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice; Kale Pomegranate Mung Bean Salad. Tremble in anticipation…
Nutty Lotus Root Kofte with coriander, cumin, mango, sweet paprika, ginger and garam marsala in a spicy cardamon and sesame seed sauce. Indulge…
Caramel-like intoxicating carob with chopped nutty almonds bound in a pillowy indulgent cookie biscuit; Carob and Almond Cookies. Wrap you tongue around something…
Salacious succulent tart Plum Hand Pies with citrus lemon folded into a pillowy rice, buckwheat and quinoa pastry. Get your sweet lips to…
Opulent moist fudgy Carob and Thyme Cake with toasty chocolate like carob, citrus-laced thyme in an earthy black turtle bean pastry. Gear up…